Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Possible Future Neighbourhood Exploration

Possible Future Neighbourhood Exploration is what we have been up to lately - a few weekends ago we headed south of the river(!) to wander around Peckham & see if perhaps a move down that way could be on the cards. We had a lovely, lazy Sunday meandering about the place - helped along by too much coffee (caffeine overload is pretty unpleasant it turns out) and some seriously delicious baked goods. 

Coffee at Anderson & Co

Guinness chocolate cake 
One of the most exciting reasons to move to Peckham: The possibility of having an actual garden/outside space again! It has been too long - gardening inside the apartment ain't the greatest. 
 Turns out I was a bit snap-happy at Anderson & Co and didn't manage to take any actual photographs of anything else we did that day. Except (of course) of my coffee at the tiny/lovely Cafe Viva...

I loved this cup/saucer. I wanted to steal it. I didn't. 
