Monday, 26 August 2013

E5 Bakehouse & other bread-y goodness

I've been dreaming about a lazy weekend breakfast at E5 Bakehouse for a while now - hopefully it will become a reality again soon! For now, here are some pictures from previous visits. It's a beautiful bakery in Hackney, under the railway arches (like all good things) where delicious-ness is made every day. We were even lucky enough to be shown around the bakery a while ago - I love getting a glimpse into spaces like this...

Having cakes right after breakfast is definitely the right thing to do, yes?
Hackney Wild: Oh-so-good but my favourite has to be the Rye Bread
We were disappointed one day when we realised we hadn't made it in time for the breakfast stuff - until we devoured these!
Pretty much the Best Mushrooms On Toast Ever. Seriously. 
 On another bread related note - here is a nice short-film about Tartine bakery in San Francisco. A friend lent us one of their cookbooks a while ago (not that we've made anything from it yet, mostly just oooh-ing & aaah-ing over everything!). Isn't cookbook a funny word!?
