Monday, 24 February 2014

A 'Going Away/We Got Married Today' Party!


Right. Well, I've been in Australia for months now & I've spent that time generally hanging about, but haven't bothered to put anything up here because I've also been spending most of my mental time stressing about getting my new UK Visa. The sheer amount of energy I spent worrying/stressing about said Visa was most definitely unwarranted - I have in my possession a new 5 year UK Visa (!!!!!!!!!) and a whole lot of time/energy to spend doing something other than worrying about it so I thought it might be time to pick up where I'd left off around here...

Last year was fairly hectic & I have a backlog of photographs I want to share with you but for now I thought I'd post about that time we got married at the Camden Town Hall & had a nice Going Away/We Got Married Today party at the brewery with all of our friends...

The day went something like this:

Caught bus into town/Headed to Store Street Espresso for pre-getting married coffee & cake times/wandered to town hall in the lovely grey drizzle of London/Met a few very wonderful friends that agreed to be our witnesses/Got married/Walked to the pub for some drinks/Caught the Tube to Bermondsey, and spent the rest of the evening drinking/eating and generally having a lovely time! We are so stupidly lucky to have such amazing friends (and to have been able to have a super relaxed party in the brewery - which we are oh-so-grateful for) 

Obviously all of the photographs are of food. I do not apologise.

Ice cream by the genius La Grotta Ices
Cheese (of course): Stilton/Satwley/Montgomery's Cheddar/Tunworth/Bermondsey Frier
The most amazing Tarts/Rum Babas by the super talented Poppy & Sebastian 
I didn't take many photographs so I missed out on getting pictures of a few things (including getting someone to take one of us!) but hopefully everyone had a good time and ate some delicious food! 

We were really lucky to be able to get almost everything from the incredible makers of Spa Terminus where we both work - and are so crazy grateful to our friends who did things like bake 20 baguettes fresh for us, make amazing veggie friendly Borscht (and remember to get bowls/spoons which we totally forgot to organise!), make a special trip to buy cheese & cycle it back to the arch, let us have a party in the brewery, procure ice cream, pour their own beer, turn up to a party on a Thursday evening after working all day and just be seriously fantastic all-round amazing people! No wonder we can't wait to get back to London... 

I'm not eloquent enough to write about any of this in a decent way, and I'm sure I've forgotten to mention lots and I'm really sorry but basically we had the best time ever at our Going Away/We Got Married Today party... thank you.