Monday 26 September 2011

Outskirts and impromptu picnic-ing

My new housemates are absolutely lovely and on Friday we went for an impromptu mini picnic in the park (living right next to the park is so nice!) 

 Outskirts happened on Sunday and so we wandered down to check it all out (we got there a tad late and so didn't quite get the full experience!). It was a great event and the amount of things to do and see was amazing...

Studio open
MarigoldThis piece is amazing when it's lit up.

HiddneHidden works all over the place

The Perth Zine Collective residency at PICA was awesome, I am so glad to have finally been (It's only next door to work and yet I tend to miss a lot of exhibitions etc, must go more often!).  


Fort 1

Fort 2

Fort 3

Who knew that one small city could have so many vintage clothes? There were a tonne of vintage pop up shops during Outskirts, none of which I actually had a good look at, so little time and money, so much to do!



Finger Knitting! We headed to Frisk (amazing coffee) and learnt how to do us some good ol' fashioned finger knitting...It was much easier to learn than crochet and quite similar, nice to know I could do this on a plane since you don't need anything except some yarn.   


Just as a final note - Ben is in Scotland now and I am super jealous and missing him a heap, but at least he's having fun...

